How Park Got Started

Hi there! We’re John and Rylan, founders and builders of Park. We’re glad you’re here.

We grew up in a small town in Upstate New York, and have been building software since we were teenagers. When the pandemic hit, Rylan set off in Ellie the RV to see this beautiful country and convinced John to join him for stops at a few National Parks.

Staying at campgrounds was a great way to travel the country, but the problem of clunky or often non-existent options to reserve campsites online soon became apparent. An idea formed to build a simple and free tool for these fantastic family-run businesses.

After talking with one particularly frustrated campground owner, we spent the whole night coding a prototype for them. Just like that, our first park was using Park. From that point on, we’ve continued to build with your feedback in mind — because you are the most integral part of our company’s DNA.

As we continued to drive across the country, we met folks at park after park who needed simple, free software to manage their campgrounds and make their lives easier. Our journey led us to build not only new Park features, but also lasting memories and friendships.

And we continue to do so, as our team grows and the number of campgrounds we serve across the United States and Canada do, too. We’re committed to providing the best and most intuitive user experience for campers, park operators, and everyone in between; because we’re all in the business of better human experiences.

Thanks to everyone who’s been part of our journey so far, and to those who will be joining in soon.

Rylan, John & the Park Team

Our story

We’re John and Rylan — founders and builders here at Park, and we’re glad you’re here. We grew up in a small town in Upstate NY, and have been building software since we were teenagers.

When the pandemic hit, Rylan set off in Ellie the RV to see this beautiful country and convinced John to join for a few National Parks.

Staying at campgrounds seemed easy enough, but the abundance of clunky or often nonexistent options to book online soon became apparent. An idea formulated to build a simple and free alternative for these fantastic family-run businesses.

After talking to one particularly frustrated campground, we spent the whole night coding a prototype for them. Just like that, we had our first park on board. From that point, we’ve built everything with park owner and manager feedback in mind — as you are the most integral part of our company’s DNA.

Continuing to drive across the country, we found camp after camp that needed simple, free software to manage their campgrounds and make their lives easier — building not only features but memories and friendships along the way.

And we continue to do so, as our small team grows and the community we serve does too. We’re committed to providing the best and most intuitive user experience for campers, owners and everyone in between, because we’re all in the business of better human experiences.

Thanks to everyone who’s been part of the journey so far, and to those who will be joining in soon.

Rylan, John & the Park Team